Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Coat - H&m, Shoes - Ebay, Mesh Top - Urban Outfitters, Fringe bag - ASOS

10 days til I move to London and start interning at Phase Eight for a month, then moving onto Urban Outfitters Wooooo! Haven't put many fashion posts up recently, so here's a little monochrome outfit i put together to show off my new coat! 


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Dotwork Flower

Finally got round to drawing my Mum a dotwork flower, couldn't take the nagging anymore! Its not perfect, but i'm quite pleased with how its turned out.. I decided to use a thicker pen (0.3) to get a more prominent effect, and to make it stand out when i frame it for her. :) 

I also finished my last exam today, and i move to London in a month, happppyyyy days! Oh and its my birthday next week... social life is looking good again! Now that i've finished university for a year you can expect lots more drawings!! So keep checking back :) And of course when i start my internship at Urban Outfitters i'll make sure to put up a blog post on it! 

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